Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Strategy to clear JAIIB / DBF in first attempt

To cut a long story short, you need to study all three books sincerely.

I recommend you all to purchase books, have a glance on modules of each books, and frame your own strategy depending upon time left. You may find ready-made short notes and mcqs pdf circulating but I advise you all to start with IIBF Macmillan books first, and if you have time left then refer them for revision purpose. 

Clearing JAIIB and CAIIB will provide you better understanding of banking and finance domain, will provide you benefits in promotions on top of lifetime extra increments for clerks as well as officers. You should aim to clear these two exams as early as possible.

These are flagship courses of IIBF. Passing criteria is score of 150 total for three papers combined, minimum acceptable passing marks for each paper is 45.

Question pattern-
Total questions - 120, time 2 hours
Mix of 0.50, 1 and 2 markers.
Note that securing high marks is extremely tough in these exams as 2 markers are generally difficult. But, majority of 0.50 and 1 markers are direct from Macmillan books.

Please do not waste your time aiming very high marks in particular paper rather focus on all papers equally. High scores are not important rather passing all papers in one go is what your target should be. If you fail even in single paper you need to wait till next exam cycle. Frustrating.

Only pass/fail is what matters.

Subject 1

Order of reading-
Module D --> Module C --> Module B --> Module A

1. Wherever you find xyz's classification, high probability they will be asked -with one wrong choice or may be definition.

Page 637 Components of MKIS
Page 583 Pricing strategies 
Page 541 4Ps 4Cs 4As
Page 456 Modes of transmission

Likewise pay attention to types / classifications wherever you come across.

2. Dates/ value based
Unit 8- Basel III Capital Regulations implemented on?
Unit 4- Min amount of CD?

Subject 2

If you are not from commerce background, strenuous effort will be required to grasp module B and C.

Order of Study- D--> A--> B--> C

1. Module A is business mathematics which people tend to avoid, but believe me, very simple formula based questions are asked from these chapters. Few questions will be tough but very easy 2 markers were asked from this Module.

i) Please give proper time to CI/SI/ EMI/ present value/ future value concepts,formulas . First 3 chapters will be applications of these formula only. Still, if finding difficulty or confusing, skip.
ii) Don't skip chapter 4 + 5 + 3(non discounting cash flow techniques), some 2 markers come from these topics and they don't need PVIFA, PVIF etc concept. They are easy even if you are having non-commerce/non mathematics background.
iii) Chapter 15- Ratio Analysis- numerical will be asked from this chapter as well.

Around 30-35 marks expected from this above topics.

2. Module D- You can expect 15-20 marks questions from this module which are easy and theoretical in nature.

3. Module B, C - Debit/ Credit concept, account to be credited, account to be debited, golden rule etc. Google /youtube them as you may find them confusing if reading for the first time. Questions will revolve around these concepts only.

Subject 3

Order of study- D--> B-->C-->A

1. Start with Module D, chapters are more in number but each chapters are not beyond 3-4 pages, and fully theoretical. Will not take much time.

2. After D, move to B, few chapters will be repetitive but detailed.

3, Module C is equally important. Read.

4. Less questions are asked from module A, still kindly don't skip it. You may end up losing easy marks.

5. Again apply same strategy I mentioned for Subject 1- pay special attention to types/ classification.

Types of mortgage

Some general guidelines-

1. Since, no negative marking attempt all questions.
2. Read the questions carefully, pay attention if 'NOT' is being asked.
3. Plenty of case based questions will be there. Sample case based question-

Mr X got issued a draft on name of ABC construction worth Rs 37,00,000 from Allahabad Bank, Salt Lake Sector I branch. Later, on coming home he found that draft to be missing. He went back to branch asking for cancellation of draft. What bank will do?

A) Bank will cancel the existing draft and issue fresh draft after receiving issue charges/fee again.
B) Bank will reject request citing that is it prepaid instrument.
C) Bank will ask for indemnity bond for reissue.
D) Bank will ask for FIR for reissue.
E) He needs to complain ombudsman to get approval.
(Similar question was asked)

4. Please don't forget going through chapter-end summary and questions given for each subject.
5. Revise at least once. Important, otherwise in exam you may find options to be confusing.

Books for JAIIB / DBF

Books recommended by IIBF-

Macmillan Books are highly recommended. Topic wise syllabus as per latest JAIIB/DBF notifications are exact content of these books (latest 3rd edition). Plenty of questions are directly asked from latest Macmillan books.

Here are the pdf (google drive) links for three books. Note that these Macmillan pdfs are 2nd edition only. Not the latest one. 

However, syllabus has been updated recently . If you rely on these 2nd edition books, you may miss few crucial marks. Also, pages in these books are ~ 500+, we recommend you to purchase books rather looking for ebooks / pdfs.

Latest books- 3rd edition-. Links are provided here.

 Principles & Practices of Banking (3rd edition)

 Accounting and Finance for Bankers(3rd edition)

 Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Banking (3rd edition)

Strategy to clear JAIIB / DBF in first attempt

To cut a long story short, you need to study all three books sincerely.                                                   Princ...